
HttPlaceholder can be installed on the most populer OSes. Pick your OS and run the script from the terminal to install / update to the latest HttPlaceholder. If you update HttPlaceholder, make sure to read the changelog to see if there are no breaking changes.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
curl -o- "" | bash
Mac OS
curl -o- "" | bash
Docker Docker

Docker pulls

HttPlaceholder has a Docker image; it can be found here.

Run the following command to run a basic HttPlaceholder container:

docker run -p 5000:5000 dukeofharen/httplaceholder:latest

Here you can find a few Docker Compose examples how you can run HttPlaceholder using Docker.

.NET Tool

Nuget downloads

dotnet tool install --global HttPlaceholder

If you would like to install HttPlaceholder in another way (e.g. just download the ZIP and extract it yourself), you can do so. Click here to view the latest release on GitHub.

Libraries and third party tools

.NET library

Nuget downloads

dotnet add package HttPlaceholder.Client

Read more on the NuGet page or the docs.